I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum has been facilitated in schools and communities in the US and Canada, and the feedback and results have been incredible. Here is snapshot of what parents, teachers, school administrators, and community leaders are saying about the curriculum:
From School Administrators and Community Leaders:
- “Before we introduced the curriculum we were struggling with conflict between students that they struggled to resolve independently or appropriately, friendships that were not positive (did not being out the best in each person), and a dedicated time or place to work on our emotional intelligence. Since implementing the curriculum we gained a common language to discuss how to manage emotions, more students choosing to be better/more positive friends (fewer referrals to the office for a particular group of students), students willing to talk with the board social worker, students willing to use a variety of self-soothing strategies, and overall improvement in emotional intelligence.” ~Agnew H. Johnston School, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
- The introduction of a vocabulary of words that describe social/emotional situations the students are faced with has been very beneficial. Students are making tie-ins back to these concepts when situations present themselves during the day, and are able to better express themselves and their feelings about these situations.
- The students feel the lesson time offers a safe space to express themselves and share their feelings without judgment, which is leading to greater overall acceptance amongst the students.
- The program offers a good flow with enough flexibility to be easily integrated amongst the other priorities and teaching requirements. ~Observervations from Teachers of the curriculum, Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts, Chicago, IL
- “In the I Shine Inner Wellness Curriculum, Jill Hope has created a resilience based educational curriculum to facilitate character building, self-esteem and self-regulation in children. This holistic program provides resources for parents as well. The nine modules are well organized in providing guidance, strategies, lesson plans and more for educators and facilitators. I will recommend the I Shine program without reservation.” ~Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. Co-Editor of the Handbook of Resilience in Children, 2nd Edition
From Parents:
- "My child has a more positive outlook on different situations."
- "She holds herself accountable for her actions."
- "He's better at expressing his feelings."
- "My child's self-esteem, confidence, and acceptance of shortcomings all improved this year."
- "Self-assurance and problem solving improved."
- "Taking responsibility for his part in a situation - good or bad"
- "My daughter is much better at communicating in a positive way when she feels bullied or wronged by a friend."
- "My daughter's confidence has grown."
- "My child thinks about why they are feeling bad about something, and then thinks about how to rectify it."
- "He was able to communicate his behavior / mood change in a more articulate way."
- "She says she learned she has a choice about being happy or sad."