Our power comes from within. Discover it. Develop it. Learn to Use it.
Wouldn’t it be nice if … Every child liked themselves?
Wouldn’t it be nice if … Every child felt good about themselves?
Wouldn’t it be nice if … Every child felt connected to the world around them?
Wouldn’t it be nice if … Every child felt loved and supported by people around them?
Wouldn’t it be nice if … Every child felt safe and in control of their life?
Wouldn’t it be nice if …
Every parent and teacher knew how to help our children
feel love, connection, confidence, respect and well-being?
And wouldn’t it be nice if …
There were an easy way to cultivate inner wellness in our children?
I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum
An emotional and social wellness program for children in Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12), the I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculumfosters:
increased self-awareness;
improved ability to manage one’s emotions;
greater self-responsibility and feelings of empowerment;
greater acceptance of the differences in others;
improved inner confidence and self-worth;
a reduction in bullying behavior.
The curriculum allows maximum flexibility and can easily be taught alongside a school curriculum or modified to be taught in a summer or track-out camp or after-school program.
I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum has been facilitated in schools and communities in the US and Canada, and the feedback and results have been incredible. Read what they have to say.